Making a living from a love of sports

22岁的内特·约翰逊(Nate Johnson)在上大学时跑过越野,还打过棒球. 当他转到伯洛伊特大学开始大三的时候, however, 他想以一种新的方式参加真人国际菠菜. 在伯洛伊特,他能够发展成为一名体育播音员所需的技能.

Nate Johnson'22 in the WYBT studio 22岁的内特·约翰逊于5月15日从伯洛伊特大学毕业. On June 20, 2022, he became WYMT’s newest and third full-time sports anchor.

内特在领英(Linkedin)上发布的Beloit SkyCarp报告包引起了电视台的注意. However, 正是内特处理多重责任的能力让他得到了《十大菠菜台子》杂志的采访邀请, KY, even before Nate formally applied. 面试后的第二天,他得到了一份工作.

“我的老板对我的简历印象深刻,”内特告诉我们. “As a senior, I worked three jobs, including one at Home Depot, while finishing my degree, interning for the SkyCarp, 并积极参与伯洛伊特学院的活动. 此外,我还具备电视和多媒体体育新闻工作所需的特殊技能.”

The ability to write well, handle a camera, 在电视体育报道中,出现在镜头前是必不可少的. Beloit helped Nate develop all three. Plus, Nate says, “伯洛伊特学院的教职员工毫不犹豫地向我伸出援助之手,帮助我到达我想去的地方, 尽管我初来乍到时并不为人所知.”

A meeting with Brian Morello, facilitated by Nate’s mother, Kathryn Johnson帮助说服内特转到伯洛伊特. Kathryn是Beloit的老员工,在 provost’s office布莱恩是一名临床讲师,也是伯洛伊特创业中心的主任, CELEB.

布莱恩问我想从事什么样的体育事业, he showed me around CELEB’s facilities, including the TV & Media Lab. 他还谈到了鼓励学生通过从事他们关心的项目来发展他们未来职业生涯中可能需要的技能.” Brian also gave him a tour of the Powerhouse and its athletic facilities.

The encouragement was backed up with mentorship, advising, and coursework.

22岁的内特·约翰逊在伯洛伊特学院宣布一场比赛 22岁的内特·约翰逊在伯洛伊特学院宣布一场比赛When Nate transferred to Beloit to begin a media studies major, 为适应新冠肺炎疫情期间的远程学习,课程安排进行了修改. 而不是在一个14周的学期里修四门课, 学生们在上半学期修了两门课, followed by two more in the second.

The change suited Nate; he could cherry-pick the courses he needed to meet Beloit’s graduation requirements. A media studies course 他参加的学生创作和评论YouTube电影的活动既具有启发性,也与他目前的工作有关.

Professor of English and journalism Shawn Gillen was “super accommodating” as Nate’s advisor, 确保内特之前的课程能在伯洛伊特获得学分, even when courses did not entirely match. Not only that, but Nate would be able to study abroad and still graduate within two years.

标志性的布莱顿码头,靠近内特留学的地方 标志性的布莱顿码头,靠近内特留学的地方内特在英国苏塞克斯大学度过了大四的第一个学期. 不仅是在大学和布莱顿的经历, the neighboring city, expand his world view, 但他能够参加相关的媒体研究课程, but not identical, to Beloit’s.

“I was able to take a course on photography, 另一个是导演和拍摄电影,在那里我学会了摄影工作, and a third on music production. All helped me prepare for what I do now.他还在他参加的教堂里结交了好朋友. Beloit’s study abroad advisor, Kathy Landon, 在确保内特和其他出国旅行的学生做好准备方面发挥了重要作用.

贝洛伊特还有两个人对内特在贝洛伊特的成功做出了贡献: Jonathon Kelley, 他是媒体研究的客座助理教授,也是伯洛伊特有线电视的电台经理, and emeritus professor of music Ian Nie, who remains closely affiliated with CELEB.

“Jon always had my back 100%, no matter what I wanted to learn, from operating a camera, including in the field, to doing stand-up commentary.” Jonathan also taught Nate how to put together a sports reporting package; doing so is now a regular part of his job at WYMT.

右边是22岁的内特·约翰逊,中间是乔纳森·凯利,左边是23岁的JT·托普费尔. Nate Johnson’22 right, Jonathon Kelley, center, and JT Toepfer'23 left.With Jon and CELEB’s help, Nate also created BeloitTV’s Beloit in Action,一个由学生制作的体育谈话节目. Nate在校外做公关/媒体工作,获得了宝贵的实际就业经验 SkyCarp他是Beloit高中马林鱼队的附属棒球队. ABC Supply Stadium这是天鲤鱼的大本营,距离校园不到一英里.

Ian, in the meantime, 不仅指导内特在伯洛伊特上的两门音乐课, 而是像对待朋友一样给他很好的建议. 内特现在把他从伊恩那里学到的关于分层音乐轨道和匹配声音与故事的课程转移到他在肯塔基州的体育报道中.

Thanks to Beloit, 内特在适应新工作时很有信心, 采访高中球员和教练, filming practices, writing and editing his own stories, and assembling sports reporting packages. 在肯塔基州沿着狭窄的阿巴拉契亚山脉,他也越来越习惯开车往返于报道地点, winding roads. Live broadcasting will begin in the fall; eventually Nate may also help cover University of Kentucky football and basketball.

As he looks back on his two years at Beloit, 内特建议学生们毫不犹豫地加入伯洛伊特大学,抓住机会, 了解他们的院系和在院系任教的教员. “伯洛伊特学院可能很小,但它有很棒的资源. 如果你表现出兴趣,老师和工作人员会注意到你的. Take advantage of that!”

By: Elizabeth Brewer
August 09, 2022

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