
Grace Scott, 今年五月以优异成绩从生物化学专业毕业, had her dance film Grenadine 从众多的参赛作品中脱颖而出 美国电影协会电影人节 in North Carolina.

策划电影节每年在美国舞蹈节举行, 在达勒姆举办的国际知名节日, NC. ADF is known for hosting performances and residencies of internationally-celebrated dancers and the most talented emerging artists, and for offering intensives and training programs for professionals and students throughout the year. Grace’s film was distinguished as one of only 10 student films selected for this year’s festival and will be screened on July 9 in Durham, NC, at 3:30 p.m. 在达勒姆县图书馆.

作为一名生物化学专业的学生,格蕾丝因她的艺术而获奖并不奇怪. 作为格蕾丝的顾问之一 Laura Parmentier 他说:“格蕾丝是个全能的花花公子! She is a singer, a dancer, a choreographer, a research scholar, a biochemist, 一个优秀的助教,一个有思想的人, caring human being.”

当COVID-19大流行开始时, the Beloit College dance program wanted to create opportunities for the students to continue to make new works. So the department organized screendance performances to be streamed in lieu of the live staged concerts. 这个新的过程鼓励学生探索舞蹈电影的习语.

Grenadine is an exquisite film featuring Grace in three locations: a cement room on the fourth floor of the Powerhouse, 音乐之家的浴缸, 以及强力泳池里令人惊叹的水下场景. (Grace sends a special shout out to Kevin Schober for allowing her to spend hours filming in the pool.)

拍摄这些令人难以置信的水下照片并不是一件容易的事, but Grace’s life-long love of being in the water (she admits to a childhood dream of becoming a professional mermaid and ocean advocate) and years of intense swimming and demanding underwater training, 包括潜水认证, prepared her well. Grace has been an avid filmmaker since childhood and already owned the cameras she would need for the shots she wanted.

了解其中的一些“秘密”是很有趣的,格蕾丝这样称呼他们, 在这些华丽的水下镜头背后. She explains, “为了留在池底,保持镜头无气泡, 我把肺里的空气都吹出去了. 当最后一个气泡在水面爆裂时, 我多等了几秒钟,让涟漪消散后才开始行动. So, 每个水下移动的镜头至少有30-45秒长, 最初的几秒钟是在水下等待准备拍摄. The last 5-10 seconds were spent preparing to come up for air in a way that could be used as footage. 这对于深端镜头来说尤其困难,因为气泡需要更长的时间才能浮出水面. Luckily, looking serene and graceful when you don’t have any air in your lungs is a special skill that I learned years ago.“格蕾丝向我们保证,一切都是完全安全的. 除了她严谨的准备和多年的经验, 有训练有素的救生员和另外两名学生在值班, 凯莉·贝格利和艾米丽·奥布莱恩, 泳池里也有,以防万一.

Grace notes, “I made Grenadine 在2021年春季大流行期间. 我知道我们都已经难以置信地结束了对大流行的讨论, 但这就是这项研究的来源, 所以值得一提.” The film isn’t meant to be a comment on COVID nor have any deeper meaning other than its beauty. “I knew I wanted to do something that couldn’t be replicated on a thrust or proscenium stage, 或者其他任何地方. 我制作它的目的是为了创造一些美丽而有趣的东西.”

该项目是在新冠疫情对现场演出造成限制的情况下启动的, but it is clear that making dance films will continue to be a pursuit for Grace going forward for years to come.

“制作舞蹈电影是一个以前所未有的方式展示作品的机会. Angle, momentum, movement, location, sound effects, editing cuts, 更多的是在创作过程中使用的编舞工具,” she says. Although the film is just over three minutes long, the process of creating it took innumerable hours. 除了长时间的拍摄, sifting through all of the footage to choose short sequences to eventually edit together into a final version that she was happy with was a labor of love. Grace says, “Grenadine 我是否有机会把我喜欢的东西结合起来,创造出完全属于我的东西. “

June 10, 2022

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