Finding family from abroad to Beloit

Jacopo Tamburini’27, Aina Mallorqui’26, 和24岁的Candis Damste都冒险从国外来到伯洛伊特继续他们的运动和学术生涯. 这三个人在真人国际菠菜方面都很出色,而且在真人国际菠菜之外的许多不同方面都享受着大学生活.

Jacopo, Aina, and Candis in sport. Jacopo Tamburini’27, Aina Mallorqui’26, 和24岁的Candis Damste从国外来到伯洛伊特继续他们的运动梦想.

Jacopo Tamburini’27

Jacopo Tamburini stands on second base celebrating. Jacopo 坦布里尼一边庆祝双份,一边向他的意大利传统致敬.Jacopo, a first-year baseball player intending to major in engineering他在Bucs的第一年就看到了很多机会. 雅各布从他的家乡意大利博洛尼亚搬到伯洛伊特学院.

高中三年级时,他在新泽西州的樱桃山打旅行棒球. During that season, he got in touch with coach Dave DeGeorge. 在麦迪逊的家人的帮助下,他安排了一次对伯洛伊特的访问.

The tour was a crucial factor in choosing Beloit. “The amazing tour, the great coaches, 好的工程项目都让我意识到伯洛伊特学院非常适合我,” he said.

Jacopo Tamburini prepares to swing. Jacopo Tamburini loading up, preparing to swing at an incoming pitch.He also emphasized camaraderie with teammates. “My relationship with the team as a whole is amazing; There is a feeling of family,” he said. 雅各布表示,与意大利相比,贝洛伊特大学的田径项目最大的不同在于,美国运动员在比赛中表现出色.S. 棒球的节奏更快,赛季要求也更高, with more games in a more compact schedule. However, 他还说:“总的来说,所有真人国际菠菜的美妙之处在于它们都是国际性的, and they all speak the same language.”

他说,对他来说,社交上最大的不同是每时每刻都与同龄人和队友在一起. “我们花了很多时间在一起,无论是在课堂上,在公共场所,在球场上,还是在晚上. 我相信这是大学最好的事情之一,”他说. 棒球是Jacopo的一个动力,再加上他可以选择自己感兴趣的课程.

“If baseball didn’t mean a lot to me, 我不会离开我的家人和朋友去另一个大陆生活,” he said. “这项运动让我非常有动力,所有的牺牲都是值得的.”

Aina Mallorqui’26

Aina Mallorqui standing up and cheering. Aina Mallorqui cheering on her teammates after a great play.Aina is a sophomore basketball player double majoring in business management and psychology who is also a member of Kappa Delta (Upsilon Chapter). A native of Valls, Spain, she hopes to work in sports, 甚至可能在伯洛伊特之后获得运动心理学硕士学位. 在她为Bucs效力的第一个赛季中,她是替补上场的,后来膝盖受伤,结束了整个赛季.

2023年,当她的家乡大学关闭时,Aina发现自己处于一种奇怪的境地. 她之所以选择伯洛伊特,是因为篮球队的热情欢迎,以及招生团队帮助她转学分. Aina described her team as being like a family. “We have so much fun as a team, and we’re all really close. 我们在篮球之外一起玩,他们已经成为我生命中重要的人.”

从西班牙搬到威斯康辛州打篮球也遇到了挑战. 在西班牙,她习惯了更短的赛程,每周只有四次训练和一场比赛. 贝洛伊特的运动员几乎每天都有练习,每周有多场比赛. Some technical plays also are officiated differently overseas. “一开始我很困惑,所以有一些有趣的时刻,”她说.

Aina Mallorqui gathered with a group of friends. 艾娜·马洛基和她的朋友以及卡帕三角洲的其他成员聚集在一起.Adjusting to everyday meal scheduling also was necessary. “At home, we do everything later,” she said. “Lunch is a heavier meal and it’s between 1-4 p.m., then dinner between 8-11. Here it’s earlier, and it was hard to adapt.”

But even with the challenges, 艾娜向她在西班牙的家人寻求支持和激励,以取得成功. “最能激励我的是让我的家人感到骄傲,让他们看到他们为了让我来到这里所付出的一切都是值得的,” she said. “Also, 向自己证明,搬到这里来是正确的选择,追求梦想让我继续前进.”

Candis Damste’24

Candis Damste is a senior track and field runner from Accra, Ghana. She is majoring in business management with a minor in mathematics 她将于明年从德克萨斯州休斯顿的莱斯大学(Rice University)获得会计硕士学位. Along with track, she enjoys being a member of Theta Pi Gamma at Beloit.

Candis Damste, teammates, and coach posing for a picture. Candis Damste与她的接力队和她的教练合影.在打破室内田径赛季的纪录后,坎迪斯参加了春季室外田径赛季. 她参加了两支接力队,分别获得了第一和第二名, while also winning the individual 200 M and 400 M. Her time in the 400 M broke the Beloit College school record. 她的表现为她赢得了女子室内田径锦标赛优秀田径运动员奖.

实际上,她是通过她的SAT预备老师找到伯洛伊特的,这位老师帮她列出了一份学校名单. Out of the schools on that list, 伯洛伊特符合她所寻找的所有品质:“一个关系密切的社区, diversity, prestige, and a small student-to-faculty ratio.”

卡迪斯把家庭环境带回家,不仅和她的队友,还有她的教练. “Coach (Brian) Bliese is my American father and best friend, and Coach Ellie (Waddle) is my big sister,” she said. “My teammates are my siblings. 虽然我们并不总是相处得很好,但我心里对每个人都有一个温暖的地方.”

She actually never ran track in Ghana. “I was at every track meet, 但它从来没有吸引过我,因为我的高中球队在一个肮脏的场地上训练,” she said.

Candis said that going from having no weight rooms, trainers, or track has made her experiences at Beloit sweeter. “I am grateful for every single bit,” she said. “我在这里的经历永远无法与我在加纳跑步的朋友们相比.”

Candis Damste posing for a picture with friends. Candis Damste surrounded by other members of Theta Pi Gamma.She continues to stay motivated through trusting the process, belief in the program, and how it sets her up far in front of your peers.

“上个赛季和这个赛季的不同在于我的心态,”她说. “That’s what motivates me. Once I put in the work behind the scenes, I trust I will be right where I need to be on competition day.”

她补充说,贝洛伊特和家乡最大的不同是她与教练和家人之间的积极关系 athletic trainers. 她说:“我从来没有和我的教练和训练员感到如此舒适和亲密。. “I look forward to stopping by the Sports Center everyday, greeting Emily at the front desk, eating lunch in my coach’s office, 在康复训练前后去找教练,抚摸他们的狗.”

By: Miles Souza'25
April 29, 2024

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