

Our collection of books and media created by 十大菠菜台子 alumni.


文/马克·W. 莫菲特79


《人类群》,作者:马克·W. 莫菲特79

马克·W. 莫菲特79, an acclaimed biologist described by the writer Margaret Atwood as a “daring eco-adventurer,” wrote this paradigm-shattering investigation of the social adaptations that bind societies.

人类群体 从人类学的发现, 心理学, 和社会学, attempting to get at the root of essential questions humans have had for thousands of years: How do societies develop? 我们如何让他们继续下去? 为什么他们会失败呢?

以他的娱乐风格, and with a keen ability for communicating scientific ideas to general readers, Moffett points out that most species of animals live in small, 关系紧密的小团体, 就像人类曾经那样. When an outsider approaches, they recognize the situation immediately and usually go on the attack. But humans exist in communities numbering in the thousands, even millions. 如此庞大的群体如何作为社会运作呢? 例如, 为什么美国人可以到另一个国家旅行, 走进一家拥挤的咖啡馆, and be accepted peacefully by an entirely unfamiliar group of humans? No other animal species seems to have this ability–except for ants.

Moffett writes that the idea for this book first came to him in 2007, when he encountered a kilometers-long battlefield of Argentine ants in a town near San Diego. Two super colonies, composed of billions of ants, defended their turf against each other. He pondered how the individual ants in such vast numbers identify with their respective groups when they appear almost identical. Filled with similar provocative stories about other animal societies, this book also points out that we can learn 更多的 about ourselves from how ants build societies than we can from chimps, 我们的近亲.

“[Moffett] intrigues by setting human societies in the context of those of the animal kingdom,《真人国际菠菜》写道. “This fine work should have broad appeal to anyone curious about human societies, 基本上就是所有人.”

Moffett, often called “Doctor Bugs,” is a writer, photographer, and regular guest on NPR’s 新鲜的空气, CBS周日早上,和 科尔伯特报告 (斯蒂芬·科尔伯特称莫菲特为“蚁人”.)他是史密森学会(Smithsonian)的研究助理, 哈佛大学访问学者, 还是另外三本书的作者.


发现凯特: The Unlikely Story of 20th Century Healthcare Advocate Kate Macy Ladd




梅丽尔·迦密的 发现凯特 为镀金时代被遗忘的女性发声. 作为标准石油公司的继承人, 凯特·梅西·拉德本可以把她的一生都花在休闲上, but she used her money and influence to champion affordable medical treatment and the education of men and women in health professions. She established convalescent homes for medical patients who had trouble affording the care they needed and founded the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, which gives grants to students entering the medical field. 作者, 后来获得历史研究生学位的教师, discovered in the process of conducting research for this book, that Kate Macy Ladd had employed a nurse to oversee the free women’s convalescent home she established in Peapack, N.J. in 1908. 护士H. 埃斯特尔达德利, turned out to be the great-great aunt of Carmel’s 贝洛伊特 roommate, 米莉森特·达德利·莱克,1974年.


Vincent Persichetti: Grazioso, Grit, and Gold

Andrea Olmstead 1970年写的

罗曼 & 李特佛尔德2018

Vincent Persichetti: Grazioso, Grit, and Gold, By Andrea Olmstead'70

Andrea Olmstead brings together thorough scholarship with contributions by prominent performers for this first critical biography of Vincent Persichetti, 受人尊敬的美国作曲家. Olmstead weaves a captivating narrative of the composer from his early life and musical training, starting with his early career during the 1920s and ’30s through his teaching at Juilliard and his death in 1987. The book sheds light on Persichetti’s personal and professional life, 影响他音乐发展的力量, and his far-reaching influence on the modern American composition scene. Olmstead is the author of six books, including a history of The Juilliard School. 她曾在茱莉亚音乐学院教授音乐史, the New England Conservatory of Music Preparatory Division, and in the University of Massachusetts-Amherst’s graduate program.






Todd Strasser, the best-selling author of 更多的 than 100 hundred books, based 1969年夏天 on some of his own misadventures and observations during the vibrant, free-loving years of the 1960s. 他讲述了卢卡斯·贝克的故事, a young man whose summer included attending a little music festival called Woodstock, 完成性别, 药物, 还有你所期待的摇滚乐. 但是除了派对之外, 也有糟糕的旅行, 不忠, 他父母离婚, 以及越南战争. 他有40年的写作经验, Strasser’s voice captures the spirit of a unique generation in a drastically changing world.






卡梅洛特的骑士 为青少年观众呈现亚瑟王传奇, with a twist: This protagonist is not the leader of the Knights of the Round Table, 但是他那可靠的狗, Cavall. The titular pooch leaves the family farm in search of a better life, making a new home in Camelot. A mysterious threat to the kingdom leads Cavall to enlist the help of some new friends, 有些是犬科动物,有些是魔法类动物. 英语文学和创意写作专业, Mackaman is an animal lover who volunteers at shelters and dog sits when she can. 这是她的处女作.




由J. 迈克尔Kearsey 71


《四季之间》作者:J. Michael Kearsey'71, 伯克希尔雪音乐,2018年

这是器乐与民间音乐的电影混合, 爵士乐, 国家, and world music elements in 13 original compositions—takes its inspiration from the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. J. Michael Kearsey also plays bass with the Reunion Jazz Band, which is slated to perform during 贝洛伊特’s 2019 Reunion weekend in June.


  • 安妮·伊丽莎白·摩尔


  • Mentors, More Basic Elmo Sightings, and a Legacy of Paddling


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