

Check out these books written by 贝洛伊特 alums and faculty!


Charlesbridge 2016

Author Nancy Bohac Flood’67 tests the bonds of sisterhood in her latest book for middle grade readers 战士姐姐,飞回家, which details the lives of sisters Gaby and Tess living on the Navajo Nation reservation. The sisters are close until the death of their friend Lori, the first Native American woman to die in combat on foreign soil, 促使Gaby离开她的妹妹, 应征入伍, 并最终被部署到伊拉克.

A disappointed Tess was looking forward to their “big year” together without parents, but instead the 13-year-old is left dealing with a crisis of identity, wondering if she’s “Navajo enough” on the reservation yet being singled out and called “Indian girl” at school. Tess uses the summer to grapple with her feelings of abandonment and anger at her sister, 同时担心Gaby可能面临的危险.

为了这本书, Flood draws from her extensive knowledge of the Navajo Nation, 她教了15年书的地方. 对民间传说和传统特别感兴趣, Flood was a research psychologist who studied brain development at the University of Minnesota and University of London prior to becoming an author. 图巴城,亚利桑那州., 公共图书馆, 位于纳瓦霍族附近, 被选中的士兵姐姐, 《真人国际菠菜》是它的第一本“一本书全读”精选.

彩色木版标本,边框, &c.

编辑:Esther K. 史密斯76年

彩色木版标本,边框, &c.: 1874年彩色版式杰作... Esther 史密斯76年 says her latest book replicates “the most beautiful book in the world.” Smith and her collaborators have reproduced the rare 1874 William H. 页面目录的彩色排版和边界. (Only 1,000 copies of this remarkable book were initially printed.)在1998年听说了这本珍本之后, Smith finally saw a copy for herself at the Newberry Library in 2013 and wanted to show it to everyone she knew. 复杂的字体, 大胆的墨水颜色和边框, and found poetry (formed when random words demonstrate the look and relationship of letters) are on full display in this reprint.

The colorful catalog features Page’s unique wooden typefaces that were sold to printers and production agencies and used to announce circuses, 帐篷复兴, 还有其他事件. 引人注目和鼓舞人心, this 10 x 13-inch hardcover with 99 illustrations is a great addition to any collection of art books.

Smith is an artist and the author of several other books, 包括畅销书《真人国际菠菜》. She and her 丈夫, Dikko Faust’75, are founders of New York-based Purgatory Pie Press.



刘易斯·理查德·卢克斯的《外交故事集》1957年 外交故事 is a memoir centering around author Lewis Richard Luchs’ experiences as a diplomat, 丈夫, and father of four sons living in six different nations during his career in the U.S. 外国服务. Luchs chronicles his work life in embassies as well as his home life in Madagascar, 马里, 新加坡, 法国, 马来西亚, 从20世纪60年代中期到90年代初的澳大利亚.

His professional and domestic experiences ultimately intertwine throughout the book. 而他的工作岗位却保持不变, the vast differences of the countries and their cultural norms keep the story moving.

Avoid, Prepare, Defend: 25 Essential Tips on How to Stay Safe from Crime

乌尔里希·费尔布(Ulrich Faircloth)著,2012年

Avoid, Prepare, Defend: 25 Essential Tips on How to Stay Safe from Crime by Ulrich Faircloth'12. This guide by Ulrich Faircloth intends to instruct readers on how to avoid being the victim of a crime. 该指南鼓励读者避免外部威胁, 同时也为最坏的情况做准备.

Faircloth says it’s an excellent resource for college students, 18-35岁女性, 以及那些生活在高犯罪率地区的人. 涵盖的主题从自我意识到使用武力, providing useful guidance to all sorts of individuals to improve their chances of avoiding and resisting violence.

达西·费德勒·米勒(Darcy Feder Miller) 2003年著

达西·费德勒·米勒2003年的《卷》 在她的处女作中,她的目标读者是年轻读者, Darcy Feder Miller introduces an engaging narrator—an 11-year-old boy named Lauren (but please, 叫他仁吧). He wears glasses, struggles in gym class, and enjoys reading comic books.

一个夏天, his best friend has moved on to hang out with “the cool kids,” and he begins to notice something very strange in his neighborhood. 鸟儿从天上掉下来. Turns out, a new neighbor is training Birmingham 卷er Pigeons for competition.

“A distinctive and memorable narrative,” writes Publishers Weekly. “Readers will cheer on awkward, quirky Ren as he, like the pigeons, learns to roll with it.”


BearManor Media, 2017

詹姆森·帕克1971年的《与死共舞 与死人共舞 is an epic novella set across two continents and told through the course of several decades. Author Jameson Parker’71 tells the story of two different worlds, 编织课堂主题, 财富, 权力, 贫穷贯穿整个故事.

Protagonists Pamela and Tony couldn’t have come from 更多的 divergent backgrounds. Pamela is an Argentinian born into 财富 and privilege, while Tony lived in poverty during the pre-Civil War racist south. Because of war and tragedy, both end up homeless on the streets of Los Angeles, Calif.在那里,他们找到了自己,也找到了彼此.

Parker, an actor best known for his starring role on the 1980s television show Simon & Simon, has been publishing his writing for the past two decades.


  • Zainab Alkhawaja’07 Young 校友 Award Acceptance Letter

  • 从左到右分别是:87年的玛吉·尼格伦, 约翰Pasquin 67, 安妮·马勒92, 斯科特·比尔曼总裁, 还有杰米·布伦菲尔德92届.

    校友 Honored for Work in the Arts, Human Rights, Public Service


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