

The Department of 表演及应用艺术 (PART) is an interdisciplinary program focusing on the intersections of music, 剧院, 跳舞, 设计, 和生产. Students who major in PART will receive a well-rounded education intended to prepare them to be interdisciplinary artists unafraid to take risks and make change.

应用艺术是一种具有特定实际目的的艺术形式. 这包括审美以外的目的, developing skills through the 设计 and creation process useful in various disciplines, 和“边做边学”, 这是贝洛伊特教学法的一个独特特点.

我们项目的毕业生不仅是艺术家, 但也准备好作为自我实现的公民和个人生活. Our classes offer students (majors and non-majors alike) opportunities to think critically, 创建爱冒险地, 成功合作. We empower students with knowledge and encourage the pursuit of excellence in all they do.

所有的课程, 产品, 乐团, 教训, 专业和非专业学生都有勤工俭学的机会, 所有的背景和技能水平, 并引导学生做到以下几点:

  1. Connect skills, methods, and modes of knowledge across disciplines and apply them to new con文本s.
  2. 在表演和制作等方面发展和完善技能, 文本, 声音, 运动分析, 公众演讲, 设计, 项目管理.
  3. 在我们的班级和集体中建立社区.
  4. Interrogate our positions within the changing conventions of performance 和生产 studies.
  5. Empower students to creatively respond to local and global social justice concerns.



传统音乐,戏剧和舞蹈专业 & 未成年人

表演与应用艺术系的基础和课程, 以前的相关专业和辅修课程将停止.

Students enrolled at any time before the end of the spring 2025 semester may declare the following majors and minors. 感兴趣的学生应该联系他们的指导老师来探索他们的选择.

音乐专业的学生 & 未成年人

剧场/舞蹈专业 & 未成年人

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